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Top 5 Career Resources That Will Help You Succeed

career resources

As a Type A career woman, you are probably continuously researching tips and tricks to excel in the workplace (this probably led you to my blog to begin with!).  I hope that you find Mrs. Type A a helpful resource (I’d love your feedback here!).   I recognize that Mrs. Type A is likely not going to answer ALL of your career questions (though hopefully it will one day!).  I thought I’d share with you my favorite career resources that I have used as a reference over the years in the hopes that you, too, find them great resources for you career.


Top 5 Career Resources That Will Help You Succeed

1. University Career Center Websites

Universities spend a lot of time helping their students get their first job after graduation. They pull together a lot of important information, such as sample resumes, cover letters, interview questions, etc and put them on their websites so their students can access them.  And many of these resources are made available to anyone who visits the page (not just students of that university).

I’ve been to dozens of university career resources pages.  Each one of them is useful.  That said, some are more user-friendly and comprehensive than others.  My 2 favourites are: and  Check them out for some great career advice (especially related to job searches).


2.  Ask a Manager (

Ask a Manager is a website dedicated to addressing career questions, both big and small. Everything from “someone stole my lunch from the fridge” to interview advice, to how to  have a difficult conversation with a colleague.  There are literally hundreds of articles that address a variety of workplace issues.

It’s also nice to read through the questions people submit and realize how lucky you are to be in your current work situation.  Even if it’s less than ideal, reading about other workplaces makes you realize that the grass is not always greener!

3.  Corporette (

Corporette also offers career advice.  It tends to be more focused on workplace fashion.  As such, you can frequently find recommendations for a new suit, shoes, handbag, etc.  What I really like about Corporette is that it offers suggestions along a range of budgets, so you can always find something that will work for you.

I practically have Corporette open on my desktop whenever there are key sales going on (i.e., Nordstrom Anniversary, holiday, etc).  This site always tells you exactly what the best options are in every category.

Given that the author is an ex-lawyer, it tends to be a bit more formal than many of us dress in Silicon Valley.  That said, I always love reading their advice and always find something I like.


4.  Career Contessa (

A great source for resume, interview, and general career advice.  This website offers numerous courses (most of which aren’t too pricey).  Even if you don’t pay for their services and courses, this website has a wealth of information!  I often see Career Contessa as a source for news articles.  It’s a reputable source!

I’m also inspired by the creator who has embarked on a fascinating journey to create this site which is a substantial career resource to any professional.


5. MM La Fluer’s The M Dash (

In case you haven’t heard, MM La Fluer is a revolutionary female clothing company.  They make work clothes for high powered corporate women.  If you want to look amazing for an interview or big presentation, check out MM La Fluer’s dresses.  You won’t regret it.

A few years ago this brand launched a blog focused on stories about professional women and advice targeted to them.  It covers everything from how to wear tights at work to overcoming imposter syndrome.  It’s specifically geared to professional women and, as such, I think would be a very helpful career resource to my readers (regardless of whether you buy their clothes).


Additional Career Resources

In addition to the career resources above, there are a few more I’d like to call out:


Wrapping Up

As a Type A career woman, you are already on a great career trajectory.  Imagine how much more successful you will be when you incorporate the advice of the experts mentioned above!

I’d love to hear YOUR recommendations for the best career resources in the comments below!

Note:  I do NOT receive any affiliate income for the recommendations on this page.  These are truly helpful resources that I think will benefit you.

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