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5 Things You Should Never Do When Starting A New Job

Congrats, you are starting a new job!  But will you do one of the 5 things you should never do when starting a new job?!  Check them out here…

5 Things You Should Never Do When Starting A New Job

1. Ask When You Can Expect a Promotion or a Raise

If you’re solely focused on just getting a better title and more money, you risk signaling that you care more about that than actually contributing successfully and driving results in your work.

You certainly can ask about the process, expectations, and drivers for getting a promotion or a raise. But just be careful to not solely focus on the end result or you can give the wrong impression.

2. Ask for a Flexible Work Arrangement

If it’s not part of the discussion during the interview and offer steps, then you should hold off on asking for a special arrangement. Like asking for a promotion, you risk signaling that your primary interest is your flexible arrangement rather than crushing your current tasks.

Therefore, you should first focus on establishing trust and a successful track record before asking for special arrangements.

3. Critique Business Processes or Approaches

You certainly have a lot of expertise and experience…that’s why you were hired! That said, there’s a lot of historical information and context about your new company or group that you don’t know.  If you walk in on Day 1 telling everyone what they’re doing wrong, you rush turning off your new colleagues. Instead, listen and learn for a while before suggesting changes.


4. NOT Ask Questions About Your Responsibilities

While you’re qualified for your new job, there are likely a lot of things you don’t know. I know you don’t want to look unqualified or dumb, but the best approach is to ask for clarification or information before too much time passes.

If you don’t have all the information you need, you risk not delivering upon your responsibilities if you are missing key information. Better to risk looking dumb now, than underdelivering later!

5. Over-committing

You’re new and, as such your inclination is to be agreeable to everyone. As a result, you risk saying “yes” to every request made of you. In the end, you can end up over-committed and under-delivering. Instead, when someone asks something of you, buy yourself some time by saying something like, “let me think about that and get back to you.” Then consult with your manager or peers before responding.

What are your key tips on what to avoid when starting a new job?  I’d love to hear in the comments below!

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