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How to Stand Out on Zoom

Last year, we discussed How to Crush a Zoom Interview.  Now that you have crushed the interview and got the job, how can you show up well and stand out on Zoom?


How to Stand Out on Zoom


  1.  Dress Like You Are Going to the Office (or at least make it seem like you are)

Even though we are all working from home right now, you still need to look presentable.  To be honest, I’ve observed more men than women dress too comfortably for work recently.  I’ve seen a lot of men in ball caps, unshaven and in T-shirts in the past year than I have ever seen in the office.  To be honest, that’s a bit too relaxed.  Even thought we are all working from home, you still want to convey a sense of professionalism and seriousness that is appropriate for the workplace.

I’m guilty of dressing down a bit while we are working from home.  For example, I will wear work out clothes during Zoom meeting  However, I will put a blazer over my top to try to hide the fact that the rest is work out clothes!

So, while you certainly want to be comfortable while working from home, still try to make yourself look professional.


2.  Pay Attention To What’s Behind You

No one wants to see the piles of laundry you still need to fold or last night’s take out on the kitchen counter!  I don’t think you need to have a perfect house and make sure everything is tidy, but you don’t want to distract your colleagues with a big mess behind you.  Of course, we are all working in a suboptimal situation, so if you simply cannot change what’s behind you, consider a virtual background.  I know people that take a photo of a (clean) spot in their house and use that as their virtual background.

3.  Lighting

This is oh so important!  When we first starting Zoom for work, I didn’t pay attention to lighting.  I had a big window behind me and it created a weird halo around my head.  Awkward!  Then I moved to a different room and, well, the lighting wasn’t flattering and someone told me that I was starting to look my age.  The poor lighting caused shadows that accentuated my wrinkles and under-eye circles.  So sad!

Soooo…I first made sure there wasn’t a big window with the sun coming through right behind me.  Then I invested in an inexpensive webcam light from Amazon.  I feel like I’m a whole new person!  The warm light directly on my face makes me look 10 years younger!

So, to put your best foot forward, you should consider your lighting!


4.  Webcam at Eye Level

You want to have your webcam at eye level in order to promote good eye contact and natural conversation.  If it’s too low, you’ll have a double chin. It’s hard to be persuasive and effective in your job when you look so weird!  You’ll also look weird if you’re looking up at a camera, not to mention your neck will hurt after a while.

5. Show Your Head AND Shoulders

If your Zoom window only shows your head, then the camera is too close.  Your face and features will be unnaturally large and it will be distracting and you risk having your colleagues pay more attention to your facial features than what you are saying.  If you show your head and shoulders, then you are most closely mimicking what it’s like to sit across a room from someone.  This way, you won’t distract your audience!

What are your favorite Zoom success tips?!  How do you Stand out on Zoom?


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