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Dress for Success: Best Shoes for Work

shoes for work


Your big interview is coming up and you want to look your best.  You picked out your Blouse, Pants, and Blazer, but…what should you do about your shoes?  Aim for comfort so you have one less hassle?  Or step it up a notch and wear the highest heels that make you feel amazing?  Today we will cover the best shoes for work!

What should you look for in shoes for work?

Here are some general tips I follow for shoes for work.  Not always, however.  If I don’t have a big meeting, presentation or interview, then I will tend to go more casual.  But if I want to make an impression, here are the rules I follow:


 1.  You must have a heel

I know, so frustrating, isn’t it?  They’re not exactly comfortable, and it’s hard to exude confidence when you trip but I do think that wearing heels makes you look polished and professional.  There is a wide range of what defines “heel,” and I offer some more comfortable options below.

I do deviate from this quite a bit-day-to-day.  With young kids, I am often running around after them before / after school pick up.  I could not wear heels when doing that.  Instead, I often wear flats when I do not have big meetings.  I also keep a pair of heels in my office in case I end up in an important situation I didn’t plan on.

Alternatively, I wear flats to walk in and out of the office and keep heels in my purse (yes, of course it’s big enough).  I may switch to heels for a meeting or two and then go back to flats.  This works best with skirts and dresses since you don’t have to worry about the length of your pants

2.  The top of the shoe should cover your foot to the ankle

Huh?  I don’t understand.

I know, I didn’t either.  A colleague once gave me this advice and I didn’t understand (or entirely agree), but thought I’d share. The idea is that — to some people —  it’s unprofessional to have the top of your foot showing, even if it is covered with a sock.  She proposes wearing shoes such as these:

Jemma Pump MUNRO

See how the top of the shoe covers almost the entire top of the foot?  That would be ideal in terms of being professional.  I happen to think it’s actually very comfortable so that’s another reason to consider it.

Over the years, I have actually had many Munro shoes and I have nothing but positive things to say about their comfort.  I find them limited style-wise, so I wear them only when I truly need to look 100% professional…only for the times when I need shoes for interviews and big presentations that are the most important.

3.  Basic color

Nothing flashy.  No bright red, no leopard print.  Keep it to Black, Brown, Tan, and Blue.  I think this is probably advice for more formal environments or if you serve clients.  I do really like leopard print shoes and wear them on days when I want to spice it up.  Especially if I wear a simple outfit, I will contrast with some more vivid shoes.  Again, only on the days when I don’t have to look my absolute most professional.

With this guidance in mind here are some options that I like:

(Note:  Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.)


Grand Ambition Pump

Marc Fisher LTD Women’s Zala Suede Pointed Toe Pumps


Cole Haan Women’s Vesta Leather Pointed Toe Mid-Heel Pumps

Cole Haan has very comfortable shoes overall in my experience.

Lesli Block Heel Pump

I love block heels!!!  So comfy!!

Francee Boot

I think I could a mile in these shoes!

Zala’ Pump

While I typically opt for a “boring” color, I do love to have a bold pattern from time to time.  Once a week or so, I will go with a bold leopard print or burgundy heel.


Hazel Pointy Toe Pump
Bellini Pump

Block heels are a perfect way to wear a heel but still be very comfortable.


Boots are great to wear with dresses and skirts during winter.  I love block heels on boots too!  Super comfortable.

Newbury Boot

That’s what I have for you on shoes for work!  I’d love to hear your thoughts below!

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