Congrats! You have a new job that you are excited about. But, soon after you sign the acceptance letter, the realization sets in….you don’t know if you’re going to be successful in your new job. Or you worry that you won’t like your new colleagues…or your new boss. Or the work you’re assigned. When you start a new job, there’s a lot to worry about! And yet, it’s a time that should be exciting and happy. In this post, I’ll talk about how to avoid this new job anxiety.
How to Avoid New Job Anxiety
1. Recognize it, don’t fight it
If you ignore your feelings of uncertainty about starting a new job, then those feelings will just make you feel even worse. Waking up in the middle of the night. Feeling on edge on the weekend. Staying at the office late to double check your work.
If you recognize your feelings, name it “new job anxiety” instead of burying it, it’ll be less likely to have a lot of control of you (see here for the proof that burying emotions is harmful!).
2. Take action on your anxiety!
You are worried for good reasons. You have new responsibilities, colleagues, and — heck — maybe even a new commute. All those things are important to figure out. So, if you’re worried, take action to prepare.
Appreciate that the anxiety is helping you by making you aware of critical changes you are facing. Put it to use! For example, reach out to new colleagues to learn how they are successful. Read old research reports to learn about the business. Volunteer to help plan a happy hour to expand your network.
If you take steps to address your worries, you’ll have more control of your new job anxiety (and you will be more prepared to succeed).
3. Self care
Take care of yourself! Book a massage or a pedicure for the first weekend after you start the new job. Eat well. Sleep as much as you can. Take your dirty laundry to the wash and fold. And hang out with those who matter to you. This is a stressful transition, so be extra kind to yourself.
Other ideas of things to take of yourself include:
- Exercise
- Practice mindfulness (see here)
- Mid-day walk
- Yoga class
- Write a gratitude journal
These are just a few to get you thinking. Choose a few to focus on in the first 6 months of your new job to take care of yourself as you transition.
4. Be nice to everyone
When you’re new in a job, go the extra mile to be nice to your new colleagues. Ask them about their weekend. Bring them baked cookies. If you go out of your way to be nice to them, they’ll help you out when you need it. You are building relationships and trust faster by being overtly kind. That will pay dividends when you’re confused, stuck, and in need of help.
5. Don’t freak out if you messed up
Look, you’re new. You are definitely going to slip up a few times. You’ll refer to something by the incorrect name. You’ll go to the wrong conference room. You may even call one of your new employees by the wrong name (yes, I did that once). And, when that happens….
…please be kind to yourself.
To think about it a different way….do you think your new colleague is horrible and dumb because he / she said something uninformed? No. You probably don’t even realize it, and your new colleagues won’t either. So be easy on yourself if (when) it happens.
In the end, don’t overthink it…
You’re obviously talented…you earned the new job. Imagine how powerful you will be in that job if you take control of your new job anxiety and focus on just being your awesome self!
Leave comments below on how you avoid new job anxiety! I’d love to hear other tips and tricks on this topic!
If you liked this post, check out these:
- How to Manage Work Stress with Mindfulness
- Career Advice I Would Give Myself As a New Professional
- How to Use Imposter Syndrome to Benefit Your Career
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