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5 Reasons Flexible Work Arrangements May Make You Unhappy

Flexible Work Arrangements

You’re not sure you can continue with 9-5.  You have kids, or aging parents, or fur babies….or you just simply are over the daily grind.  As such, you start to think about flexible work arrangements.  What are flexible work arrangements?  There are a few types (see below) but in general flexible work arrangements are alternatives to working 9-5 in your office.  Seems like a dream, yes?  Well, flexible work arrangements can offer you, well, flexibility in where and when you do your work.  While that is certainly helpful, there are a few potential implications to consider…


5 Reasons Flexible Work Arrangements May Make You Unhappy


Before getting to the 5 reasons, let’s explore common flexible work arrangement), including considerations you should be aware of before you proceed.  At the end, is a summary of the key 5 reasons why flexible work arrangements may make you unhappy!

This article gives an overview of numerous types of flexible work arrangements.   I’ve really only seen these 4 in practice:


1.  Work from home / telecommute

This one probably doesn’t need much by way of definition. This flexible work arrangement entails doing your work somewhere other than your office.  Typically, this would be in your home.  Though, I’ve certainly worked with people who end up working at cafes, libraries, or even vacation homes (lucky ducks).


While those are exciting, keep in mind….

Here are some considerations for working from home/telecommuting:

The key thing to remember with working from home / telecommuting is that there may be an option to do this, say 2-3 days a week and then work from the office the rest of the week.  That will help mitigate some of the implications in terms of in person meetings and relationships.


2.  Flex Time

A flex arrangement is one in which you are still working a full week, but your work hours are outside the standard 9-5 M-F.  So, for example, a common flex time arrangement is working 10 hours/day for 4 days/week.  Or, you work 9am-2pm and then stop working (in order to pick kids up from school, perhaps) and then work 5pm-8pm.

There are many pros to this flexible work arrangement:


Here are a few things to consider:


3.  Part Time

This is an arrangement in which you work less than the standard 5-day, 40-hour week.  Some scenarios like this include working M-Th during standing business hours (and Friday is a “day off”).

There are some benefits:

Consider these items before pursuing this flexible work arrangement:


4.  Job sharing

The flexible work arrangement allows you to split the responsibilities of 1 job into 2 people.  I’ve seen arrangments where 1 person works Monday and Tuesday. The 2 employees overlap on Wednesday. And the 2nd  employee works Thursday and Friday.




Global Comment on Flexible Work Arrangements

There is one consideration that is applicable to ALL of these flexible work arrangements:  your career development.  Opting to pursue one of these flexible work arrangments may give you flexibility now, but could have long term implications on your career trajectory.  Practically speaking, if you always work from home and are not known personally by a broad set of leaders, your contributions may be forgotten and / or you may struggle to get new roles.  Furthermore, by working flexibly you may also signal to your employer that you are not as serious about your career.  As such, you many not be selected for key special projects that can propel your career.

So, to sum up, here are…

5 Reasons Flexible Work Arrangements May Make You Unhappy…

  1. You will likely have less pay (and benefits)
  2. You may not have a substantial decrease in hours and/or intrusion of work in your life
  3. Your work product may suffer if your schedule does not overlap with that of key stakeholders
  4. You may slow your career trajectory
  5. You may face more job insecurity vs. employees that do not work in a flexible arrangement

So, what should you do?  Forget it all?  No, definitely not.  To help you navigate flexible work arrangements, here are some questions to ask yourself / your employer:

Hopefully answering these questions makes you more aware and able to determine how to best proceed!

What about you?  Have you been able to set up a flexible work arrangement that served your needs?  What did you do?  What were the pros and cons?


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