You look around and all you see are male leaders at your company. In fact, the top 10 most powerful business executives (according to Forbes) are ALL men. 100% of them. When you don’t see people like you (i.e., women) in leadership positions at your company, you may ask yourself, “can I also be a leader?” Well, the truth is that females possess unique traits that position them well to lead. In fact, there are 5 female leadership traits that make women great leaders…
5 Female Leadership Traits That Make You Successful
1. Ability to hear what is not said
You probably don’t quite read minds, but you likely can read subtle cues in terms of tone of voice, facial expression, and body language. In other words, other people do not need to say what they are feeling for you to know.
Why does this matter?
Non-verbal information is exceptionally important to leaders, as it conveys information your employees may not directly share with you but could be vital for the success of the company and of individuals.
For example…
Is your staff on board with your proposal? Well, they said they were excited, but they were fidgeting the entire time.
Is your employee really satisfied with her raise? She told you she was, but she refused to make eye contact during the discussion.
Females are exceptional at reading these subtle cues, and that is incredibly important to understand the happiness and well-being of your team. I once sat in a meeting in which my boss had a lot of feedback on a colleague’s work. I don’t think he meant to offend her, but I could tell she was upset. After she left, I asked if how he thought she took his feedback. He said he thought it went well. The next day, that colleague resigned.
My boss simply couldn’t read how she was feeling. Imagine if he did pick up on the cues, he could have adjusted his tone or clarified more directly that he didn’t mean to be critical.
You will succeed as a leader because, as a female, we are more inclined to pick up on what is unsaid, which is critical to the role of the leader.
2. Empathy
Not only can you pick up what another person may not be saying, but you also are probably very competent at understanding and relating to another person’s feelings.
Why does that matter?
Your employees will feel comfortable coming to you with concerns they have about their work, as well as the workplace environment. How many times have you been unhappy at work but never said anything because you didn’t think anyone would care? You probably sat in silence until you found another job.
Imagine if you felt comfortable enough to share your feelings and be heard. Female leaders frequently create that environment and, as a result, have happy and dedicated employees.
3. Planner
Women are planners. We plan parties, lunch dates with friends, our pedicure appointments. You likely plan everything in your household, ranging from what you will have for dinner tonight to your next housing move (or where you will be living 10 years from now).
We look ahead, see what needs to happen, and put plans in place.
Why does that matter?
Businesses absolutely need a leader who can put plans in place to ensure business outcomes. Planning keeps the entire organization aligned, working together, and on track to high performance. That results in stable, high performing business and I do not know anyone who wouldn’t want that for their business!
4. Worrier
You may second guess your skills and your decisions from time-to-time. Yes, it’s true that constant worrying may be detrimental to your career progression because it conveys a sense of discomfort with uncertainty or lack of confidence.
However, worrying is a powerful force. It signals that you may not be prepared for something in the future or that something could go wrong. So, it forces you to take action so that you are better prepared and, potentially, can avoid having something bad happen.
Why does it matter?
How could a business not want someone who can see issues coming from a mile away and avoid them?!
Now, you need to keep worrying in check (i.e., don’t freak out), but do appreciate the insight it gives you (which is crucial to successful leadership).
5. Protective
You are fiercely protective of the people you care about. Mama Bear doesn’t let anyone mess with her cubs!
Employees want a leader who will go to bat for them, look out for them, and help them when they are struggling.
Women are exceptional at providing protection and, as a result, employees are loyal to the company.
Hopefully, you can see how the unique female leadership traits are crucial for a successful business. If you’re ever doubting whether women can rise to the top at your company, be confident that you possess crucial skills that your company needs! It’s important to note that I’m not advocating that men are not great leaders too. Rather, women shouldn’t feel like they don’t have the right traits to succeed in leadership. And, what some may cite as a weakness of women could actually be a strength.
Share more crucial female leadership traits in the comments below!
If you like this post, be sure to check out:
- How do Fortune’s Most Powerful Women dress for success?
- How to Overcome Fear of Leadership
- Career Tips You Need to Ignore
- How to Improve the Top 4 Leadership Traits
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