Wow, it’s been an impressive week for women athletes! Specifically, the amazing performance of the US Women’s Soccer team, who won the World Cup. It got me thinking about the amazing women we are fortunate enough to have inspired us and to set great examples for our children (regardless of their gender). I thought it […]
Career Advice
How to Overcome Fear of Leadership
I started this blog almost 1 year ago. A bit on a whim, but I thought it would be an exciting way to reflect on my career journey to date, and to help other professional women develop in their career paths. As I look back, I realize that I’ve spent a lot of my posts […]
Why No One is Looking at Your Cover Letter
You’re putting a lot of time and effort into applying to jobs. But nothing seems to be working! You’re not even hearing back from the companies you are applying to. Is anyone even looking at your application?! It’s just so frustrating and stressful. What is wrong with your Cover Letter or Resume?! We know that […]
5 Tips for Finding a Mentor at Work
I recently met up with an old boss of mine from a few years ago. I was sharing how things were going at work, and he had a lot of great perspective that helped me think through some issues I am facing. It reminded me of the importance of having a mentor at work. I […]
How to Conduct an Interview
You’re a first-time manager about to conduct your first interview! Yes, it can be intimidating when the tables are turned and you need to know how to conduct your own interview. Also, even if you’re not a hiring manager, knowing how a manager approaches an interview will help you in your own interviews! How […]